Open Space

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Is it really the Fourth estate?

During the past few weeks, so sick have been the follow ups on happenings around, in the electronic media, that it forces me to think as above. One rot after another keeps surfacing on the tube, and huh... we have a so called masala curry prepared to be served to the nation for the rest of the week. As if the REAL ISSUES don't even exist! Be it the Salman-Aish fiasco, or the wedding of a fugitive's daughter. The best the government or media could do was create a hoopla to rake in moolahs rather than constructively act against the mess. Doesn't anyone from the press realise that ours is a country where things need to forced rather been taken care of by whoever should? Instead of concentrating on larger and more commonplace problems, and trying to force pace in an already crumbled DEMOCRACY ( I wonder how it is called one!), people seem to be more bothered about the ABC Readerships and TRPs. Unfortunately, if the trend continues, not many would be left to bother about them. Only bragging 24x7x365 over little achievements, which most countries would shrug aside as petty works, won't do any good for the future of us. Filling up our shelves with copies of APJ's Ignited Minds or Wings of Fire should be followed by at least 5% of work required to even dream of the objectives set in there. Anyone listening? Time for some reality check baby....


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